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Provenienza: Stati Uniti d'America
Formazione gruppo musicale:

Armonica a bocca
Anno Formazione Gruppo: 1994

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Foo Fighters

Come e dove seguire la Band Foo Fighters

Genere Musicale

- Alternative rock - Hard rock - Post-grunge

Foo Fighters

Medicine at midnight
Medicine at midnight
Giorno di pubblicazione 05-02-2021
1. Making A Fire
2. Shame Shame
3. Cloudspotter
4. Waiting On A War
5. Medicine At Midnight
6. No Son Of Mine
7. Holding Poison
8. Chasing Birds
9. Love Dies Young

Concrete and Gold
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
1. T-shirt
2. The Line
3. Sunday Rain
4. Happy Ever After (Zero Hour)
5. Arrows
6. Dirty Water
7. La Dee Da
8. The Sky Is A Neighborhood
9. Make It Right
10. Run
11. Concrete And Gold

Saint Cecilia
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Saint Cecilia
2. Sean
3. Savior Breath
4. Iron Rooster
5. The Neverending Sigh

Songs From The Laundry Room
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
1. Alone + Easy Target
2. Big Me
3. Kids In America
4. Empty Handed

Sonic Highways
Anno di pubblicazione 2014
1. Something From Nothing
2. The Feast And The Famine
3. What Did I Do?/God As My Witness
4. Outside
5. In The Clear
6. Subterranean
7. I Am A River
8. Congregation

Wasting Light
Anno di pubblicazione 2011
1. Bridge Burning
2. Walk
3. I Should Have Known
4. Miss The Misery
5. A Matter Of Time
6. Back & Forth
7. These Days
8. Arlandria
9. White Limo
10. Dear Rosemary
11. Rope
12. Better Off

Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Anno di pubblicazione 2007
1. The Pretender
2. Home
3. But, Honestly
4. Statues
5. Ballad Of The Beaconsfield Miners
6. Summers End
7. Stranger Things Have Happened
8. Come Alive
9. Long Road To Ruin
10. Erase / Replace
11. Let It Die
12. Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make Up Is Running)

In Your Honor - Disc 2
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. Still
2. Cold Day In The Sun
3. Virginia Moon
4. On The Mend
5. Over And Out
6. Friend Of A Friend
7. Another Round
8. Miracle
9. What If I Do?
10. Razor

In Your Honor - Disc 1
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
1. In Your Honor
2. End Over End
3. The Deepest Blue Are Black
4. Resolve
5. Free Me
6. The Last Song
7. Hell
8. DOA
9. Best Of You
10. No Way Back
11. The Sign

One By One
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
1. All My Life
2. Comeback
3. Disenchanted Lullabye
4. Overdrive
5. Halo
6. Lonely As You
7. Burn Away
8. Tired Of You
9. Have It All
10. Low
11. Times Like These (One Way Motorway)

There Is Nothing Left To Lose
Anno di pubblicazione 1999
1. Stacked Actors
2. M.I.A.
3. Ain't It The Life
4. Headwires
5. Next Year
6. Aurora
7. Generator
8. Gimme Stitches
9. Learn To Fly
10. Breakout
11. Live-In Skin

The Colour And The Shape
Anno di pubblicazione 1997
1. Doll
2. Walking After You
3. Everlong
4. February Stars
5. Enough Space
6. See You
7. My Hero
8. Up In Arms
9. Wind Up
10. My Poor Brain
11. Hello, Johnny Park!
12. Monkey Wrench
13. New Way Home

Foo Fighters
Anno di pubblicazione 1995
1. This Is A Call
2. Gas Chamber (Angry Samoans)
3. Butterflies
4. Watershed
5. Winnebago
6. Exhausted
7. For All The Cows
8. Floaty
9. Weenie Beenie
10. Oh, George
11. Good Grief
12. Alone + Easy Target
13. Big Me
14. I'll Stick Around
15. X-Static

Anno di pubblicazione 1992
1. Pokey The Little Puppy
2. Friend Of A Friend
3. Throwing Needles
4. Just Another Story About Skeeter Thompson
5. Color Pictures Of A Marigold
6. Hell's Garden
7. Winnebago
8. Bruce
9. Milk

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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